Ruby Yan

Ministry location


How long have you been serving in your ministry?

10 years

Tell us a bit about your ministry and any new initiatives.

I co-lead a team of other P2C staff and together, we partner with the Spirit to help university and college students to take their next steps towards Jesus. We are a missional community growing in our faith and trusting God as we share our faith with others around us.

What excites you most in your ministry?

I love seeing students take steps of faith! Whether it’s a student leader taking initiative to lead their peers in something new in our ministry or a student we’ve been journeying with picking up a Bible to read for the first time… God is at work! And it’s exciting to be a part of it.

How can we pray for you and your ministry?

Please pray for me to continue in God’s strength and to rest well in Him as I serve in my ministry. Pray for me to be attuned to how God is present with me and is at work all around me. 

We have a couple students who are seriously exploring Christianity right now. Please pray for them to encounter Jesus in an undeniable way and that they would know Him as their Creator, Lord, and Saviour.

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?

Three other “dream jobs” I joke about doing: themed party planner, home declutter-er and organizer, and Instant Pot ambassador.

2021, 2022, 2023Jonathan