Humility: Philippians 2:1-11


As we enter a new year, what could happen if we embraced a lifestyle of humble, self-emptying love in a culture of self-exaltation? How does Jesus’ choice to empty himself challenge every lesson of self-promotion we unconsciously absorb? In Philippians 2:1-11, we encounter the ultimate example of humility in Jesus who shows us that true strength is showcased in surrender and that true glory is expressed in servanthood.

Scripture reading: Philippians 2:1-11, Mark 1:4-11 (Children’s Ministry)

This is Week 1 of our series on Humility

Reflect Together:

  • Jesus, who lived with full awareness of His divine identity; habitually chose to serve rather than be served. How does being confronted with Jesus' humility challenge your perception of power, status, and dignity?

  • Christ’s humility is linked with his obedience to death. In what ways can we align our will with God's, especially in challenging circumstances?

  • What does it mean for our individual stories and as a community to trust that, in God's economy, humility leads to exaltation? What tangible steps can we take to embody humility and self-giving love in our daily lives and relationships?

  • In what areas of our lives do we struggle most to adopt a mindset of humble service, and what might it look like to change that?

Our songs together:

  • Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me - CityAlight

  • God With Us - All Sons and Daughters

  • All Who are Thirsty - Brenton Brown

  • Nothing I Hold Onto - United Pursuit Band